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Monday, May 23, 2011

The Bachelorette spoilers seen here

Posted by Rana Gee

Madawaska native will star in the next two-plus months on the show ABC romance-reality "Bachelorette". This means that the first Mainer was the star of reality show contest, and not a participant.
She AO finished filming, so she knows which of the 25 eligible bachelors and she loved Didn, as ALO. Who is she and who she kissed Didn, AOT.
But neither she nor ABC - especially ABC - want to ruin any surprises for viewers.
So when journalists from across the country, asked her in a conference call last Wednesday, if she does, she refused to answer. And the ABC of the public relations on the line with her to make sure it is Didn, ALO response.
"Let's just say AO that I, Aom pleased with how it happened," said Hebert, 27, a dental student at the University of Pennsylvania. "You, Äôll everyone should tune in to find out."
Hebert also wouldn, ALO say how much ABC pays her for the lead role, saying that information is "a kind of private." But she answer one question for her practical-minded fans back in Maine.
"I will not be able to pay off dental school," she said.
So Hebert could come out of her reality show experience with the more traditional dose of reality - a friend and a lot of debt.
At 9 pm Monday, Hebert will begin his time as a "Bachelorette" after interning in the spirit. Starting in January, she was one of 30 women competing for a single person, AO heart in ABC, AO companion show, "Bachelor".
On the "bachelor", Hebert was completely at ease before the camera, and made a big enough impression on the star Brad Womack, she was one of the last three women left the show. But not the final woman.
After "Bachelor" has finished airing in early March, ABC offered her a chance to be a "Bachelorette". Hebert said Wednesday.


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