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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

82nd Annual All-Star Game.

Posted by Rana Gee

On the night of Tuesday, millions of Latino baseball fans will watch with pride as the players with names like Gonzalez, Ortiz and Reyes take the field at the 82nd annual All-Star Game. But, as the camera moves through Chase Field in Phoenix, Arizona, it will also be a painful reminder that, when he had the chance, MLB Commissioner Bud Selig could not stand up for his Latino players, coaches, and fans, not speaking out against Arizona The war in the Hispanic community.
It's not as if Selig knew about the dispute. Last year, when Arizona passed SB 1070, discriminatory racial profiling law, outrage was swift and stunning. A coalition of civil rights organizations called for a boycott of tourism of the state, and for baseball to move the All-Star Game. Such players as Red Sox first baseman Adrian Gonzalez and outfielder Jose Blue Jays Bautista said a law like them. Gonzalez told the San Diego Union-Tribune: "It's immoral. They violate human rights. In a sense, this goes against what this country was built. This is discrimination." In addition, MLB Players' Association issued a strong statement condemning the laws of Arizona.
The public responded, dozens of civil rights, faith and business organizations joined calls to boycott, costing the state an estimated $ 752 million in lost convention and tourism income. Group of 60 leaders signed a letter opposing Arizona harmful approach the state legislature to immigration. Basketball Phoenix Suns in the community supported Latino, wearing "Los-Suns" jerseys on Cinco de Mayo, a move endorsed by NBA Commissioner and the NBA players union. And yet from a senior official in baseball there was only a deafening silence.
While it is true that SB 1070 is currently connected to the court, it is also true that an attack on Arizona's two million Latino unabated. The state is in dire economic straits, but the governor, Jan Brewer, vowed to fight SB 1070 all the way to the Supreme Court, spending money that Arizona does not have to save the statute, which does nothing to solve the immigration crisis.
Nearly one-third of baseball players are Latino. Without them, no team can compete in the major or minor leagues. Millions of Hispanic fans to buy tickets and spend millions of dollars each year in the stadium, and they risk harassment and violence in Arizona, just because of how they look or sound. The decision to Selig should be as simple as ABC: a place for Latinos is unfavorable position unfavorable for baseball.


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