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Monday, July 11, 2011

When do beautiful indian girls suddenly turns to 'auntie'?

Posted by Rana Gee

You know Indian girls are known for their most beautiful girls in the world to the subtle bodies. but then suddenly one morning they suddenly become "aunts".
Why? and when?
it's still shocking. I have seen many beautiful Indian ladies in fine department store. Then I notice they always have a fat mother next to them. hmm.hats funny, but its not just women who gain weight after marriage, Earl of Indian men, too.
I think it's because of the love and care, we have for our parents and our grand parents (they care too much when their daughter or daughter is pregnant). In addition, our food is too greasy, oily and spicy yet not so delicious that you can not keep urself eat two or three times. or may be after the marriage can be, they think


intakhab said...


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